
Hello Sparkling Soul,

Creating Sacred Space has been such a rewarding experience for me...ushering in a deeper connection to divinity, allowing me to feel divine healing energy in and around me, and reminded me that sacred space can be anything from a small space in our home or our whole home, to a clearing in a forest or a spot by the sea, to as small as the pauses in between the breaths we take. My hope is that by the end of this eCourse you too are able to create sacred space in a way that will allow you to find deeper connection and healing.

All the religions in the world have some kind of Sacred Space...which is set aside for a sacred purpose...we know them as Temples, Churches, Sanctuaries...etc. But we too can create Sacred Space, as you will see...even you can be a Sacred Space. That's right, you've heard it said before My body, My Temple...it's because our body is our soul's home while we are on this plane and it is very sacred. So though we will explore how to create Sacred Space out in our world, remember you are Sacred Space.

Sacred Space is wherever the physical and energetic meet...where the Body, Mind and Soul become one and balanced with Grace and Ease. This Sacred Space then becomes a Safe Haven, a place where we can explore ourselves with deeper self-discovery practices. Where we can connect to Divinity and embrace our Inner Sparkle.

Sacred Space comes from your Heart, it's what you make it to be. There are many offerings on how to create Sacred Space, but ultimately, the best approach is to do what feels right, true and Juicy to you...follow your Heart, take what works for YOU and leave the rest behind. Know that there are no right or wrongs, shoulds or shouldn'ts. There is just you...Perfect and Complete, holding the intention to create Sacred Space...that's all you need. 

Complete and Continue